"To confer the gift of drawing, we must create an eye that sees, a hand that obeys, a soul that feels."
Maria Montessori
Motivation is a key factor in successful learning. It comes from within the individual (intrinsic motivation). Nova škola is adjusted to children's needs, and has various resources it uses (Montessori learning materials, in-house teacher-made learning materials, as well as other didactic materials) all of which enhance children's interest and motivate them to learn more. Our teachers are well educated. They keep up both with children's educational needs, and with the modern times. School outings, projects, various lectures and presentations enable children to engage into new and interesting topics. A self-motivated child is then given the opportunity to independently choose when and how to study.
In grades one through four children are not graded. They are formatively evaluated and assessed by their teachers, and get feedback about their work and progress on a daily basis. As in state schools, children get a report card at the end of the school year where their marks will be shown in numbers from one (1) to five (5).
Students in grade five through eight are graded numerally throughout the whole year.
There is no homework!
We believe that a child who spends six to eight hours at school has enough time to complete all assignments there. At school they are provided the materials needed for their assignments. A trained teacher is there to help them out, if needed. That is thereason why children at Nova škola do not need schoolbags – their notebooks and books stay at school.
We believe that when children are at home they should play, spend time with their parents, family, and friends, or spend time on hobbies
English and German from grade one.
We offer an Italian and Spanish corner with different materials where children can be introduced to the languages.
A course can be organized for the fifth graders who show interest in learning Italian or Spanish.
The time a child chooses for quiet work and reading.
Preparation and planning for a new day with their peers and their teacher.
The presentation of the new material.
Teachers make individual ‘Mini Folders' for each student. In it is an overview of all the assignments they have to do to successfully complete a unit of work. The methods of learning, materials, time and place in which the assignments are completed are up to the student. We respect their personality, interests, competences and skills, and with that in mind we prepare their ‘Mini Folder'.
These are different afternoon activities organized from 2 to 4 p.m. every day.
Children can choose from a wide variety of topics - art, literature, foreign languages, music and dance, board games, theatre and film, ceramics, crafts, domestic science, gardening, IT, design and technology, and sport. sport
No. See 'A day at Nova škola' for further information.
We try to create a stress-free atmosphere at our school. Everyone is accepted the way they are. Everyone can find their place to work and play. Therefore, students feel safe and are carefree.
We deal with arguments or disagreements calmly. We pay a lot of attention to resolving those situations and we talk about it a lot. We try to increase the levels of empathy in children, develop their sense of responsibility, acceptance and tolerance.
We teach them not to judge, but to observe, think about a situation and present their point of view.
Nova škola does not take any pedagogical measures to improve pupils' behaviour, nor are they used as a means of punishment. Before the beginning of a new school year children and all the employees (Council) discuss and agree on school rules and regulations (The Big Meeting).
What does it mean 'to learn enough'? Enough of what? What for?
We learn every day. The process never ends. An individual starts learning as soon as he is born. We gather experiences and thus enrich our lives. If we make a mistake, we correct it. If we think we haven't made a mistake, we are happy and satisfied. We build and learn more.
Do you believe that after graduating from university or leaving high school we know everything about life? Do we know all the answers?
We cannot predict our future. It is a challenge. We can’t know what to expect and what exactly we have to learn to prepare for it.
What children DO LEARN at our school learn is:
- to stay open towards everything around them and to remain relentlessly curious
- to think and act critically
- to plan and act alone or in a group
- to participate equally in decision making
- to be motivated and active, and as such influence thier communities
- to show empathy and solidarity
- to learn how to deal with conflict or unpleasant situations using the right words
Every child can be enrolled in Nova škola if there are open spots in his respective grade.
After an interview with parents, a child can join our classes for at least 3 days.
This gives them the opportunity to get to know our school better and to decide on their own whether they want to become our pupil.
Send your enquiry and your child's personal details to our e-mail address [email protected]
We will contact you as soon as possible and arrange a meeting.
- If you want to enroll your child in 1st grade, you will need to:
- take your child for an interview/testing at a local school (according to the place of residence)
- take your child to a check-up with your local school pediatrician (according to the place of residence)
- take your child for an interview/testing at the Center "Pričalica", Samobor (psychologist, speech therapist)
- come to Nova škola (parents) for an interview and bring your child for testing/an interview. The child will be invited to be in the school for a minimum of 3 days in January, February or in March.
- In order to enroll your child in any other grade, you will have to:
- provide us with a report card for the grade the child has just finished
- take your child for an interview/testing at the Center "Pričalica", Samobor (psychologist, speech therapist)
- come to Nova škola (parents) for an interview and bring your child for testing/an interview. The child will be invited to be in the school for a minimum of 3 days
- There are no restrictions regarding your residential address.
Enrollment documents:
- certificate of nationality
- birth certificate
- enrollment forms
- a paper from your local school pediatrician
Tuition for one school year is 4.800,00 €
Tuition payment plans:
- 2 installments (2.400,00 €)
- 5 installments (960,00 €)
- 10 installments (480,00 €)
- 12 installments (400,00 €)
Tuition for the second child will be discounted by 10%.
Tuition includes:
- lessons and creative activities from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- lunch
- two foreign languages starting in the 1st grade (English and German)
- creative afternoon activities (including all the above mentioned activities).
Tuition does not include any school outings and admissions tickets (museum, theatre, cinema , etc.).
The school calendar is set by the Ministry of Education. School holidays are identical to the ones at public schools.
Throughout the day lessons can be organized in the school’s garden, in the town, forest or nature, depending on the topic that is being covered.
Half-day, full day, and multi-day school outings and field trips are also integrated in the curriculum.
The school is open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
On Saturdays, Sundays and all public and religious holidays set by the Ministry of Education the school is closed.